Waste & Resource Management

From the bottom to the top of the hierarchy……….


Having significant ‘hands on’ experience at a range of different waste management facilities, Miltcon Services Ltd. can offer a range of services related to waste & resource management, from ‘big picture’ strategic views of waste generation and treatment options, to site specific regulatory and operational aspects. As Chartered Waste Managers, we adopt ‘circular economy’ principles in our view of waste related projects, such that actions are applied that influence the capture of the maximum resource value of a wastestream.

Our experience in this area allows us to provide services relating to:

  • regulatory applications – waste or soil recovery licences, facility/collection permits or CoRs
  • waste management planning
  • aerobic and anaerobic biological waste treatment options
  • thermal treatment
  • biosolids management
  • waste infrastructure development
  • waste management auditing