We’ve been busying away through 2019 on a number of projects so have been quiet on the website updating front – however, pleased to share the fact that we have won two further projects in recent months, linked to our service delivery for existing clients – details as follows:
- Miltcon Services Ltd., in partnership with Certification Europe, has been successful in tendering for a stand alone project, focussed on eco-design, energy labelling and tyre labelling market surveillance activities that have been informed by Customs related intelligence – this 12 month project ties in seamlessly with our current service contract, and brings the experience Miltcon has developed in all aspects of market surveillance to date and the significant expertise of Certification Europe in relation to Customs related inspections together to provide a very strong team in providing the required service to SEAI.
- As part of our appointment to a 4 year EPA framework with partners SWECO, we are currently commencing a market surveillance project to assess compliance with the ROHS Directive, with a focus on LED lighting products.